這是一場加拿大乃至全球*重要的文化盛事之一,這是一場讓全世界的攝影愛好者無比期待的視覺盛宴,這更是一場跨越國際的藝術交流。“Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival”每年五月在加拿大舉行,吸引全球超過150萬名觀眾慕名前往,是攝影界隆重且盛大的國際party。
2019年,作為“Scotiabank CONTACT Photography Festival”的一部分,圍繞主題“背后的故事”于線上開展圖片征集活動。
本次活動共收到來自全世界***攝影師提交的近20000幅作品,這些攝影師來自:中國、加拿大、芬蘭、瑞典、美國、俄羅斯、日本、希臘、澳大利亞、坦桑尼亞、格魯吉亞、挪威、莫桑比克、立陶宛、捷克、哈薩克斯坦、希臘和古巴等44個國家。并由***策展人、攝影師影像藝術家Allison Morris共同評選出一、二、三等獎及107幅***作品(中國賽區(qū)9幅)。這些作品已在加拿大與Allison Morris的作品同期展出,展覽歷時一個月,將吸引來自全球各地的人前去觀看。
一等獎*1($1,000 USD+展出)《Borders#2》
by photoborodina(瑞典)
After I moved from Russia to Sweden I found myself going down the rabbit hole. I faced a need to rediscover myself. But who is “me” exactly within those new rhythms and ways of life, a different tongue and norms? One can barely express what’s inside, thus exposing what’s perceivable - externalities, boundaries and margins of a personality. For a spectator: “I am” = my borders. Humbly starting from the borders of the body, advancing into the social framework. Well, not always so “humbly”, I must say… sometimes to find the border, I have to step over the edge. You’ll find some of those borders instantaneously recognisable and some are such, that you have to work on ‘em for a while. Those pictures are an attempt to convey what it is to try to find my own boundaries in this new environment.)
二等獎*1($500 USD+展出)《Stronger》
by milos nejezchleb(捷克)
Photo from long-term photo series “Stronger”, for which I take photos of ordinary people who have been through something extraordinarily difficult, which has made them stronger. The heroine of this story is Katka (Cathy), a victim of domestic violence. Katka was 18 years old when her mother died tragically, and she had to take care of her younger brother. Her then husband, father of her son, was supposed to support her. Instead, he turned out to be a rapist, and Katka was forced to flee with her son. Her husband found her and one January afternoon he fired two shots at her. After that, he turned the gun on himself. Having undergone several operations, Katka survived. Gradually, she began to live a new life with her new partner, who became her second husband later. She was getting rid of fear and gaining self-confidence. Many years later, though, the marriage broke up and they got divorced. A couple of months later, her ex-husband committed a suicide by shooting himself. Ironically, he killed himself with the weapon he had once bought to protect Katka.
三等獎*1($250 USD+展出)《Going Up》
by Aaron Ricketts(美國)
Going Up is one of ten images in a series titled, “If It's Heavy, Take a Break". In each photo there is that feeling that there is an obstacle, either one that has put you in a precarious position, or one that you see lying ahead. This scene exemplifies that idea of exhaustion in the face of a complex and relentless world. Rather than getting on the elevator, this man simply lays down with his head in the elevator doors hoping to be swallowed by it. And yet the walls overwhelm the scene with a vibrant yellow creating a contrast between joy and dreadfulness.
by hugoweii
《The Reader》
by Chenjin
《The future》
by jkoo
by 梵丁
by Eric
by 周白白Photo
他們說攝影是技巧之外飽含深情。***,再配以顛沛流離。胡馬依北風,越鳥巢南枝 。一年365天,只想吃300天火鍋,我想要拍傳統(tǒng)與時尚結(jié)合的家鄉(xiāng)。(模特的頭飾是中國四川火鍋里的一種香料,地上的是泡菜壇是制作川菜的一種工具,身上穿的改良旗袍,也融合了家鄉(xiāng)四川的一些元素。)
by 攝影王嬙
by Threepainters困獸
如果置身黑暗的深淵,不妨在黑暗中重新審視自己,尋找自己的內(nèi)心世界 (環(huán)境整體暗調(diào),用了線路管材為道具并且有纏繞模特,表達一種被束縛又在伺機蓄勢而發(fā)的力量)。
by Jey_X